On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 11:25 AM Steven Walling <steven.wall...@gmail.com>

> On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 12:37 AM effe iets anders <
> effeietsand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This family of methods risks a two class community, but I'm not sure if
>> that is worse than the current situation. I'm not sure what would be the
>> 'right' path either.
>> A throttle plus flagging proxy edits to admins are really good ideas.
> Creating visibility for functionaries and ways to dial down volume without
> blocking everyone entirely are the right way to allow more openness
> balanced with control.

+1.  We already have many classes, not just two, as we flag accounts by
seniority, an important aspect of soft security.
We should always try to limit hard blocks and expand the capacity +
efficiency of reviews and responses after contribution.

> Thanks for hopping in the conversation Danny, glad to know the team is
> thinking on this. The poorly designed way that proxy blocks and requesting
> IPBE are communicated feels like low hanging fruit that the Foundation
> design and product teams could tackle here?

Two other ideas:
- Let people who are vouched for by current users in good standing
automatically get IPBE (linked to the vouching account).  Or let current
users create a new account for someone they bouch for, and ask on-wiki on
their behalf for IPBE for that account.  Simple, transparent.
- Make the steps in the block-exemption process and the range of banners +
messages people see when blocked, more browsable and editable by the
community of editors.

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