Thanks anass, I am sympathetic to this occurrence, as I have suffered from
this issue for a long time, I urge all event organizers to take this into
consideration and plan as early as possible.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 2:43 PM Anass Sedrati <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> This might not be relevant for all, but since we are a global movement
> striving for equity between all humans, I would like to share a reflection
> regarding the situation of some of us, and the challenges that are
> unfortunately not yet solved, although we are familiar with them since
> years.
> As you know, the Wikimedia summit is happening soon, and our user group
> (Wikimedia Morocco User group) had a member invited to attend it in person.
> As soon as he knew about his participation, our member started preparing
> his documentation and went to book a time at the German embassy. To his
> surprise, the first appointments were until October (while the conference
> is in September). This resulted in this member not being able to attend the
> summit in-person, as well as all our user group (as this is not
> person-dependent, but systemic, so anyone living in Morocco and applying
> for a visa will not get it before October).
> Unfortunately, this issue is not an exception. It is almost the rule. In
> every Wikimedia conference, there are people not able to attend because of
> Visa issues, yet it is not properly addressed.
> Many of the challenges in our movement are addressed or at least discussed
> in different forums and strategies. However, it feels that the equity in
> participating in-person for Visa required participants is not a priority.
> Usually, invites come at a time that does not really allow a good
> preparation of the documentation (and embassy appointments), and there is
> no support with the embassies, so inexperienced volunteers are left to
> themselves dealing with very official instances, who just simply reject
> their applications or give them appointments within months from now.
> I am sharing these personal reflections after witnessing several problems
> that happened to many members through time with the same issue. I would
> like to know how this can be better solved in the future? Can conferences
> prepare documentation 6 months before they start? Can the WMF give official
> support and help contacting embassies? Is there any way to address this in
> a good manner?
> I feel really sad that there is no equity in this matter. I know that it
> is naïve to think about a world without borders, but isn't our Wikimedia
> movement supposed to support everyone? How can we be better at this?
> P.S: This post is not about myself or situation, but rather a reflection
> after talking with many people facing this issue in my region, and who
> missed so many events because of Visas. I don't want them to miss events
> again in the future! Is it possible?
> Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and I wish you a good
> Tuesday!
> Best regards,
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> *Anass SEDRATI*
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