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On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 1:16 PM MDT Gaurav Vaidya wrote:

>Sounds like the 28th works for a bunch of us! If you can make it,
>could you please sign up at
>I'd like to make sure I'm not the only Wikipedian there this Saturday!
>On 18 September 2013 21:35, Spencer Williams <> 
>> The 28th should work well for me, as far as I know at the moment. I'm trying
>> to find a job and so things could suddenly change, but I will do my best to
>> keep that time open. Of course, traveling together in a car has its
>> benefits. However, I can also make it to Denver by bus and then we could
>> meet at Union Station or something like that.
>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Todd Allen <> wrote:
>> I would prefer the 28th as well, since I'll be taking a friend to the
>> airport on the 21st. Any trouble with this?
>> On Sep 18, 2013 7:07 PM, "Gaurav Vaidya" <> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody!
>>> On 4 Sep, 2013, at 11:11 PM, Todd Allen <> wrote:
>>> > So, if we can all bring along a camera.
>>> (Or not -- we had a surprisingly fun Wiki Takes Boulder last year with
>>> one camera between three people!)
>>> > It depends where we want to go. If we'd like to go by car, I'd have
>>> > probably 3 seats available, long as someone doesn't mind the middle in the
>>> > back. If by train to downtown, however many would like to go. We can meet 
>>> > up
>>> > at my car from there if need be, at Mineral.
>>> I'm not sure where Mineral is, but thanks for the offer!
>>> > I would like to stop downtown to get some photos of Biker Jim's, as I'm
>>> > currently working on that article. We can do that in either case, and I 
>>> > can
>>> > bring my camera to work if it's really opposed, but I'd really rather 
>>> > prefer
>>> > it to be on the same day. And they really do have some good food. :) I'd
>>> > prefer not to go downtown by car, since I can get there for free on the
>>> > train, and would rather do that than pay for parking. But I'd be happy to
>>> > drive to some farther out areas after that's done.
>>> >
>>> > So, anyone opposed to meeting downtown for lunch/photos prior to lunch,
>>> > and hitting the Botanic Gardens or other locations from there?
>>> I like this plan, and have set up the first part of the paperwork:
>>> I've proposed September 28 as the day of photography, since I'm leaving
>>> Boulder for a week from Sunday, September 29. Once we know how many people
>>> are interested, and have a time and a date finalised (hopefully by this
>>> weekend), we'll have all of next week to run geonotices
>>> (
>>> > On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Spencer Williams IV
>>> > <> wrote:
>>> > Hey there, good folks. I'm totally up for Wikipedia Loves Monuments or
>>> > Takes America, or whatever it might be this month. However, I should warn
>>> > you, I'm totally, like, dirt poor. And so I couldn't provide 
>>> > transportation
>>> > or anything like that. Ideally, I hope Gaurav might convince his roommate 
>>> > to
>>> > go so I could jump into their car or something. I do have an iPhone 
>>> > though,
>>> > and the Wikimedia app. So I'm set in that department.
>>> Sorry, Spencer -- I think my friend (not roommate!) might be out of town
>>> then. Would a bus trip to Denver be too expensive for you?
>>> > Any of the places Todd Allen suggested sound great. I don't have a
>>> > particular preference, but the Children's Museum might be interesting. The
>>> > Botanical Gardens would be nice too. I don't think I've been there yet. 
>>> > But
>>> > really anywhere on that list sounds great.
>>> There's space on the event page to start throwing up ideas. Being on 16th
>>> Street means that we can go anywhere from Union Station to the Capitol for
>>> free. There must be something interesting within walking distance of that,
>>> right?
>>> > So if any of y'all are planning to go, please let me know. Also, I was
>>> > very interested in helping out with Wikipedia Loves Libraries next month.
>>> > Was there anyone else here who wanted to get together to make something
>>> > happen in that regard? I think I may be able to ask someone at BPL to get 
>>> > a
>>> > room reserved. I don't really have a solid game plan laid out, but I
>>> > definitely wanted to do something like talk about basic Wikipedia editing,
>>> > and then more advanced stuff like Templates, transclusion vs. substition,
>>> > customizing your theme, custom CSS and stuff like that. Nothing too heavy,
>>> > though, as I suspect there will mainly be people new to the project. But
>>> > just to give people a sense of how to go about contributing a variety of
>>> > content.
>>> Let me know how this goes! I'm trying to think of something we could do
>>> at either the CU Libraries or the CU Museum, but it's going to take a lot
>>> more organising than I'll have time for this semester.
>>> cheers,
>>> Gaurav
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