2008/11/12 Enoch Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Regulation 12.38 says "A person" cannot use it for commercial purposes - so
> this appears like it applies to anyone, even third party re-users. However,
> this restriction, I think, would only apply to Australian persons.

Let's say "Persons who are subject to the jurisdiction of Australia".
Read: A foreigner living in Australia or reusing it in an Australian
context (Australian webhosting company, whatever) will also be liable.
Furthermore, if, say, a British newspaper prints such a picture and
afterwards, editions of the newspaper are sold through Australian
newsagents, someone might run into problems as well (the newspaper,
its local affilitate company, whomever)

But these are details...certainly a French person reusing the pictures
in France wouldn't be held accountable.


Michael Bimmler

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