A big boost for the free-culture movement in Australia

2009/2/17 Jessica Coates <j2.coa...@qut.edu.au>:
> A couple of days ago the ABC's excellent collaborative media site, Pool,
> posted a recording of genetics professor Steve Jones talking about Darwin's
> life and work under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial licence. As
> far as we're aware, this is the very first time material from the ABC
> archives has been released under a Creative Commons licence.
> And this is just the beginning. Pool plans to release a whole series of ABC
> archival materials that for remixing as part of its its Gene Pool project.
> We're all very excited here at CCau. The ABC has, almost without
> question, the largest historical audiovisual archive in Australia. Just
> think what we can do with it.
> Read more about it at CCau here: http://creativecommons.org.au/node/211
> Or on Pool itself:
> http://pool.org.au/blog/pool_team/gene_pool_launch_and_open_archives_release.
> Jessica Coates
> Project Manager
> Creative Commons Clinic
> Queensland University of Technology
> ph: 07 3138 8301
> fax: 07 3138 9395
> email: j2.coa...@qut.edu.au
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