Hi Emmanuel,

thanks for your questions. I think I can answer a few of them.

On 12.03.2011 15:53, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
> * What is the scope: create visual guidelines, improve the Web site
> engine, improve the web site content (I ask because this page
> http://www.wikimedia.ch/Website_2011 speaks a lot about the visual
> guidelines and not really about the Web site)?

refering to the discussions we had on the board mailing list the 
graphical design is the major problem.

I have asked that question as well. In 2008 the webteam has done 
extensive brainstorming and clustered all the ideas to a concept which 
has lead to the current website. We never took care of the graphical 
design though. The brainstorming that has taken place on 
http://www.wikimedia.ch/Site_web comes up more or less with exactly the 
same things and what we already have.

Apart from the website Wikimedia CH does not have a corporate design. 
Logically we first develop a corporate design which works for everything 
and then make the website look accordingly.

> * Who are the sponsors and the project leader(s)?
> * What is the timeline and the decision process?

This is all unclear to me. As CIO this falls into my responsibility but 
the "project" was imposed by the board, all I could do so far was 
commenting on discussion that happened on the board mailing list. I have 
asked to communicate to the webteam but this didn't happen so far. From 
that I can only assume that no project has been defined yet. The board 
my confirm or clarify.

> * What is exactly wrong with our current Web site (did not find something) ?

See my first answer.

> * What are the business requirements (I have only find
> http://www.wikimedia.ch/Site_web#Goal but this is too fuzzy and I guess
> for this reason I feel our current solution is already matching them)?

Well, as I said in the first answer, I have the same impression and the 
discussions on the board mailing list lead to the same conclusion.

Except for the design. And that's a more general thing. But the website 
will be indeed the first thing to be adopted, also the presentation of 
the information needs to be made clearer and less cluttered (main page 
for instance).

> Having an answer to these questions is mandatory to have a chance to
> work on a successful IT project.

Sure. That's why I started this discussion.

Manuel Schneider

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge

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