For italian side (Tessin and italian Graubünden) I have some relations
with RTSI and with some newspapers.

I have these relations above all to spread Wikimedia CH and Wikimedia
Italia in Tessin. Through Wikimedia Italia and its PR (Utente:Frieda)
I can involve also italian medias.

In any case my role is unofficial. In Tessin the medias ask me because
there are not others users very active or involved in both wikimedias.


On 1/5/06, Nando Stöcklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all
>  An unknown person has in the german article about the ETH-professor
> [[Bertrand Meyer]] added a truthless sentence which said, that Mr Meyer has
> died. A journalist of heise has found this false report an has made it
> public. After this I (as I am responsible for PR and media of Wikipedia in
> the german part of Switzerland) yesterday had phone calls of two radio
> stations and of I-don't-know-how-many phone calls of newspaper journalists.
> And after all, a phone call of Nano TV, which is located in the french part
> of Switzerland. That posed two questions:
>  - Is there a Wikipedian in the french and italian part of Switzerland who
> is in charge of PR and media?
>  - If not, are there Wikipedians who would like or who could imagine to be
> in charge of PR and media?
>  I really would appreciate, if we could start a good collaboration what
> matters PR and media!
>  Nando
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