
1. The form is always publically accessible.

Click Forms -->Go to live form in the spreadsheet, copy the URL, distribute.
This will open the form for anyone, but the sheet still remains private.

2. I understand getting /viewing the responses in spreadsheet will be
cumbersome, I could write a script which reads the responses from sheet and
shows in a page for reviewers to review applications.

Let me know if you got questions.

Srikanth L

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 16:09, Vickram Crishna <vvcris...@radiophony.com>wrote:

> As members on this list are likely aware, a very limited set of
> travel/boarding scholarships are available for the WikiConference in Mumbai
> (November).
> We have created a form in Googledocs. It is right now in English only, but
> we have already asked for help in making it available in other languages,
> and hopefully this will happen soon.
> However, my problem is slightly different. The form leads back to a Google
> spreadsheet, so that applicants responses on the form can be collated in one
> place. I need to make the form accessible publicly, but obviously, not the
> spreadsheet. How does one do this? The form to be publicly
> displayed itself does not have a 'Share' button, although the spreadsheet 
> does. So
> does the editable form, but equally obviously, we cannot make the editable
> form public either.
> Can anyone who is familiar with the usage of forms on Googledocs please
> mail me privately with the process to make the form publicly accessible?
> Once that is done, I will share the link here on the list. At this stage,
> members may please forward this to indic lists on which they participate, in
> order to encourage people who would like to be present for the Conference,
> but are unable to consider it for financial reasons. Separately, the link
> will be published on Wikipedia to be visible to users from India.
> --
> Vickram
> Fool On The Hill <http://communicall.wordpress.com>
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