I strongly concur with the most of the thoughts of Ashwin below.

The need of the hour is the build the strong Indian Wikipedias and
Wiki-communities within India.
IMHO, We are too early to host a Wikimania in India. While we had a
successful Wikiconference Mumbai, I think we all agree that we were still
short of lot of hands and infrastructure.
Based on my experiences of attending previous Wikimanias, I can say that
the standards should be much high, when you are hosting a Wikimania, where
more than 500+ international delegates attend. ( Except yea, in Gdansk ;) )

My personal suggestion is that we withdraw the bids for Delhi / Mumbai for
Wikimania 2013. We should a host a few more Wiki-Conferences at different
cities in India annually, till we are mature enough for a Wikimania ( may
be in 2014-16).  Also, there is no need of a national Wikiconference on the
same year we are hosting a Wikimania.

Tinu Cherian

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Ashwin Baindur <ashwin.bain...@gmail.com>wrote:

> As one intimately involved in the planning and execution of the last
> WikiConference India, we need to have a cold rational thought on this
> process for bidding for Wikimania, not hubris.
> Without prejudice to User:Vibhijain, a bid from Delhi cannot be made
> unilaterally by an under-age editor  who is not in a position to
> execute any of the responsible roles. There should be a requirement
> for each bidding city community to show support and backing. Otherwise
> the bid should be thrown out.
> That Delhi has editors is without question, the real question is does
> Delhi have a strong and united wikicommunity which will be able to
> take on this kind of huge commitment? There are few signs of such an
> established community, not withstanding lot of relatively new editors
> such as Noopur taking up new activities to do which hopefully will
> lead to a strong and vibrant community in the future.
> For the reasons mentioned above, the Delhi bid should be re-examined
> in all seriousness.
> I'm not siding with Mumbai either. In my opinion, we should have a few
> more WikiConferences India before we ask for Wikimania. India needs
> WikiConference Indias, not to host the international community. It is
> akin to the person who has not yet furnished his house or setup his
> residence in a city falling over himself to invite others from
> outside.
> WikiConference India 2011 stretched the volunteer community of the
> nation's Wikipedians and was possible due to the unflinching support
> of so many others not from the city. Which is as it should be. So can
> the country deal with both a WikiConference and Wikimania in the same
> year? I think not. Suppose another city, say Kolkata hosted
> WikiConference India, where would the funds, volunteers attention go?
> I think it is a raw deal for the city hosting the WikiConference. The
> amount of volunteer effort which goes into these is not funny. I think
> around 5000 edits worth of effort of mine went into the Conference.
> WikiConference India 2011 proved to be beyond the resources of Mumbai
> wikipedians alone. If they have bid for Wikimania 2013, can they
> assure the Indian wikipedian community that they can tackle this even
> larger event without extensive external help when they could not
> tackle the smaller?
> If Indian editors are supposed to all join in loyally to support
> Mumbai should it  win the bid, isn't it right that Mumbai ask the
> community's opinion at large first before bidding instead of taking it
> for granted that Indian volunteers will pitch in when needed?
> I do not grudge supporting Mumbai, I identify strongly with it and
> will do whatever I can do to help those wonderful guys, but I strongly
> feel that this light hearted attitude to such serious subjects in fact
> takes the rest of the Indian community for granted.
> My own personal take is let this opportunity go. Let us have
> WikiConferences 2012 and 2013 and bid instead for Wikimania 2014 and
> that year we should not have a WikiConference. 2013 is too early. The
> need of the hour is building strong Indian wikipedias and communities
> not hosting foreigners.
> Warm regards,
> Ashwin Baindur
> ------------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 7:16 AM, Béria Lima <berial...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Since we have not one, but two bids from India,  I think that is
> important
> > to be announced here (I would rather prefer if all of you could work
> > together in a single bid, but if is not possible, at least list both
> under
> > the right section in the page)
> > _____
> > Béria Lima
> > (351) 925 171 484
> >
> > Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
> livre
> > acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a construir
> > esse sonho.
> >
> >
> > On 23 January 2012 23:15, Thomas Goldammer <tho...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> I want to remind everyone to officially start a bid for the locale of
> >> Wikimania 2013. All bids made so far are *unofficial* and cannot be
> >> considered, as long as they are not in the list of official bids on
> >> this page:
> >>
> >>   http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2013_bids
> >>
> >> The possibility to make an official bid closes at ***January 28, 23:59
> >> UTC***, this is in less than five days! So hurry up if you want
> >> Wikimania to happen at your place. :)
> >>
> >> Note that you then have two more months to make your actual bid (and
> >> one more month to refine it). You don't need to have everything
> >> completely ready by now, so don't worry. :) For now, just create the
> >> bid page and list it under "Official bids". Please don't forget to
> >> list your organizing team members on the bid page. (All of them should
> >> enable their email function on the Meta wiki, so that we can reach all
> >> of you easily.)
> >>
> >> On behalf of the jury
> >> Thomas.
> >> (User:Thogo)
> >>
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> >
> >
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