Hi Sankarshan,

Thanks for engaging and the revert.

Re. 1: The assignment specifically required that I specify what I would
achieve in the first two months. So tried to specify it where ever
possible. But should you have any specific questions or suggestions on
this, would be happy to listen.

Re. 2: You are very right that there needs to be a measurement of success.
And I think this has been clearly outlined in the A2K Programme Plan. What
I have done was break it down to what ought to be achieved in Year 1 and
based on that designed some key interventions. So the 5x5 WCLs and the
Training programme (listed as Outputs) are more precisely tools to meet the
outcomes of the A2K programme. Thus it is equally important to get the
right bunch of WCL and also have the right Training imparted to them, which
if implemented as planned should achieve the desired results.

Anymore feedback is welcome.

Look forward.

On 22 December 2012 19:05, sankarshan <foss.mailingli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for writing this up. I've two specific bits of discussion
> around your email and so have snipped it in a form that keeps it as
> relevant as possible.
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Nee Davis <davis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So I felt it is more productive to not delve too much into the ‘what’
> > question, but focus more on how can we achieve this? Thus the below plan
> is
> > more of an Operational Plan than a vision statement. Further, it is not a
> > work-plan as it lacks micro details. What I set out to do below is to
> > present an outline of the key tasks and strategies that we could adopt to
> > achieve our collective vision in year 1. It should be noted that I have
> > deliberately not touched upon some of the activities that are currenly
> being
> > deployed.
> I would request a clarification and, extend a suggestion. The first is
> - how did the time-line of 60 days come about ? The rationale behind
> this question is - does 60 days provide adequate time to dial-back,
> correct and move forward ?
> The second is around the need to have some form of measurement of
> "success". For each of the areas, it is probably useful to have
> transparent and public measure of success. A trivial question - would
> the ability to on-board 5x5 WCLs be a success or, the preparation of a
> sustainable training program material be a success and so forth.
> --
> sankarshan mukhopadhyay
> <https://twitter.com/#!/sankarshan>
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