
Thanks for the board resolution document.

has 6 requirements and an exception clause that says:

"In some cases, an exception may be made when an organization is actively
working toward meetings these requirements as part of a plan with WMF."

However, I assume a WMF board resolution would over rule all these

It is a brilliant plan to create and fund an entity like CIS-A2K (Wikipedia
programs) out of nowhere by WMF and then give validity for its own plan by
means of board approval. So, the larger global community and the process
for recognizing affiliate organizations can be bypassed.

The board resolution makes it clear that CIS-A2K is not a recognized
movement partner yet. It also makes sense why WMF would hesitate to make
the MoU public. Because, it is not a MoU first of all and can only be seen
as a service provider agreement in a working relationship. It also makes
sense why CIS-A2K would want to consult WMF before providing details about
their site visits.

// the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) and the Centre for the Internet and
Society (CIS) have engaged in a working relationship//

In plainspeak, this is outsourcing and WMF can be held responsible and
accountable for all the work done by and through CIS-A2K.

CIS-A2K is engaging in paid content generation models and I would welcome
WMF's comment on this.


for context.

Their anchor staffs do not have dedicated stand alone user names with
CIS-A2K affiliation and it is not clear yet what is the nature of work they
undertake in language community programs.

So, what is an edit made during paid time could be misinterpreted for the
growth of the community resulting out of their programs. Please note that
three of their full time staff are also active community members. If this
can be considered paid content generation should be investigated.

Especially, for individual engagement grants ( ) it clearly says:

Content-creation is not directly funded.
Projects should foster conditions that encourage editing by volunteers
(e.g. editor recruitment campaigns), not replace volunteer action by
funding someone to edit articles, upload photos, etc.

//in India since September 1, 2012;//

//for the limited term of CIS’ agreement with WMF.//

So, can someone clarify what is the end date for this "working
relationship" as per the agreement?

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