On Tuesday 22 April 2014 10:29 PM, Ravishankar wrote:
It is interesting that CIS-A2K makes ceremonial media reports about the MoUs it signs with institutions but the MoU it signed with WMF is not public yet.



CIS-A2K grant is expring this year and WMF has assured of no never ending renewals but CIS-A2k goes on to make "3 year long" MoUs.


      Signed an MoU with Goa University

Goa University entered into a three year MoU with CIS for building Konkani Wikipedia. As part of this partnership, Goa University and CIS-A2K will work together to help build Konkani Wikipedia and community.


So, I hope both WMF and CIS will honor the community by making the MoU they signed a public record.



P.S. Here is another instance of a request for the same -

Dear Ravi,

CIS has earlier stated on this mailing list itself that it does not have a problem sharing the agreement of the WMF's existing grant and Asaf has clarified WMF's stance on this matter.

With regard to the other MoUs CIS-A2K has signed with various institutional partnerships... please note that the term is often determined by the institutional partner and we do not insist on changing the institutional systems, which anyhow does not productively contribute the programmatic aspect. Also all our MoUs have an exit clause with one months notice by either of the parties. So CIS-A2K is extremely clear what it would do if the further phase of support does not come through. Trust this helps.

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