On 01/02/2012 18:44, Jessie Wild wrote:
> David - this is AWESOME: i'm so glad you are thinking about helping with
> this! This is the same idea WMF have, but unfortunately we do not have a
> lot of resources available on the engineering side to make this happen.
> Emmanuel is the lead developer for Kiwix - a ZIM file reader which you have
> probably been using to read your Offline Wikipedia. He is actually working
> on an Android version of the Kiwix reader right now!
> http://kiwix.org/index.php/Android
> If you are interested in helping with this project (and I really hope you
> are!), I would recommend getting in touch with him directly (CC'd here),
> and joining the Kiwix developer mailing list (CC'd).


Thx Jessie for forwarding us this email from David.

David, we try currently to port our Desktop Software "Kiwix" on Android.
It uses the Mozilla Framework and a few other C/C++ libs.
We are at the beginning of the work and are facing a few tech,
challenges. You are welcome if you want to help.

Otherwise, an other thing to do would be to add a minimal ZIM reader
feature to the WMF Wikipedia Phonegap based app. Prototyping work was
already done, so you won't start from scratch.


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