Hi Oliver,

I am including Heather Ford and Abbas Mahmood in this reply.

Hello everyone!

I'm sure at this point you have read my post on the Wikimedia KE mailing
list about traveling to Kenya to collect stories about Wikipedia to share
with the world.

Last October, my former colleague Aaron Muszalski (who is no longer with
Wikimedia) reached out to you about a similar trip. Being a dedicated
optimist, I'd like to follow up with that and do everything I can to gather
stories from Kenyan Wikipedians to communicate to the world what Kenya is
doing for the movement.

As I stated earlier, 2 stories that look promising at the moment are the
work that many of you did last year with the project for Kenyan Schools (33
schools! How many young minds is that? I know SOMEONE has something to say)
and the story of a man who built an airplane from scratch: Mr.Orville Wri--
er, I mean Gabriel Nderitu:

As for the project for Kenyan schools - does anyone have knowledge of the
effects of your work traveling to the 33 schools you went to? Has anyone
kept in touch with the teachers / administrators / students who you met? My
story collection is not limited to editors of Wikipedia, but everyone
affected by Wikipedia and rural school children who can read Wikipedia and
get a better sense of the world is a good story to tell!

Alex Wafula has suggested that I cast a wider net and reach out to Uganda
and Tanzania too. I agree with him, It's better to cast a wide net and then
narrow down the search based on geography and effeciency of travel. So if
anyone knows any editors from there, I'd like to speak with them.

Also - I don't speak Swahili, but I'll be looking through talk pages using
Google-translate, so I may ask a few of you for help with translation if
that isn't too much of a problem:)

My tentative dates for travel are somewhere between the 19th of May and the
10th of June.

I think it would make sense to keep all future communications on the
Wikimedia KE mailing list? If anyone disagrees, let me know. This way we
can potentially invite more people to contribute stories.

I look forward to meeting with all of you and am optimistic about making
this happen!


On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Oliver Stegen <i...@oliverstegen.net> wrote:

> ** ** ** ** ** ** **
> Dear Victor,****
> ** **
> Thanks for your message.****
> I would have recommended that you contact the Wikimedia Kenya mailing list
> but Oscar Limoke beat me to it J****
> Your primary contacts at WMKE should be our newly elected board members:
> Ann Njeri, Alex Wafula, Steve Wanjau, Oscar Limoke and David Mugo (duly
> copied onto this message, apart from Ann for whom I don’t have an email
> address).****
> ** **
> Karibu **sana** **Kenya** (= you’re very welcome in ****Kenya****)!****
> Oliver****
> ** **
> ** **
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Victor Grigas [mailto:vgri...@wikimedia.org]
> *Sent:* 03 April 2012 00:29
> *To:* i...@oliverstegen.net
> *Subject:* Kenyan Wikipedian Stories****
> ** **
> Hi!****
> My name is Victor Grigas and I'm a storyteller with the Wikimedia
> Foundation in ****San Francisco****. I'm chronicling the inspiring
> stories of the Wikipedia community from around the world. Stories are
> critical to inform and inspire the general public to support the Wikipedia
> movement by donating their money or to become volunteers themselves. ****
> I spoke with Asaf Bartov, and he told me you would be a good person to
> speak with.****
> After seeing this inspiring story about ****Kenya****'s very own Gabriel
> Nderitu -****
> http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/10/26/kenyan-man-builds-airplane-in-yard-based-mostly-on-wikipedia-entries/
>   ****
> and hearing about the 'Project for Kenyan Schools', I thought that it
> might be fruitful to plan a trip to ****Kenya**** to interview Kenyan
> Wikipedians face-to-face. ****
> I would need to confirm that I have at least 15 people to speak with who
> may have interesting stories about Wikipedia to make the trip worth the
> money. If needed, I could hire a translator. My understanding is that iHub
> in ****Nairobi**** hosts Wiki-meetups once a month. It may be feasible to
> attend a meetup there and interview people individually after that? ****
> Please let me know what you think, I would very much like the opportunity
> to represent Wikimedia ****Kenya**** in the fundraiser this year.****
> I am sending this message to everyone I can reach at Wikimedia ****Kenya**
> **. Please let me know if there is a more formalized process to reach
> people.****
> Thank you for your time,****
> Victor Grigas****
> [[user:Victorgrigas]]****
> vgri...@wikimedia.org****
> ** **
> -- ****
> *Victor Grigas*****
> Storyteller****
> *Wikimedia Foundation*****
> vgri...@wikimedia.org****
> +1 (415) 839-6885 x 6773****
> ****149 New Montgomery Street**** 6th floor****
> ****San Francisco**, **CA** **94105********
> <http://wikimediafoundation.org/w/index.php?title=WMFJA085/en/US&utm_source=donate&utm_medium=sidebar&utm_campaign=20101204SB002&country_code=US&referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FConflict_%28narrative%29>
> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **

*Victor Grigas*
*Wikimedia Foundation*
+1 (415) 839-6885 x 6773
149 New Montgomery Street 6th floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
WikimediaKE mailing list

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