2009/2/24 Tom Holden <thomas.hol...@gmail.com>:
> I just phoned the co-op, and I’ve been told that our application has been
> accepted, and that they’ll have a sort code and account number for us on
> Thursday.
> Only three months later than planned, but hey, better than nothing.

Congratulations and well done! That's fantastic.

Unfortunately, it seems the planned AGM date clashed with Easter and
had to be push back (ironically, my first proposed date for the AGM
clashed with Christmas and had to be pushed back!), so it's still
going to be ages until we get an AGM. If we bring it forward a week,
it clashes with the chapter meeting in Berlin, which means we won't be
able to have full attendance (unfortunate, but perhaps not a deal
breaker). Bringing it forward a fortnight seems impractical (probably
possible, though, if we really want to). It seems there isn't a good
option, we're at the point of trying to find the least bad option.

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