Dear all,

Just to update you on our application for recognition by the taxman of our 
charitable status.

I have spoken to the HMRC Charities Unit to understand why there is such a 
delay with our application. They are currently struggling with an increased 
workload arising from the reduction in tax rates last year; the amount of tax 
that charities could reclaim was similarly reduced, so the government 
introduced a temporary "transitional relief" so that charities' income would 
not be affected in one go. Unfortunately this means that every claim for Gift 
Aid now has to be manually processed which has created this ever increasing 

The Unit are currently taking six weeks to process routine payments and 11 
weeks to process mail regarding new applications. In our case, the response 
that we sent earlier this month has been put at the bottom of the pile and we 
expect it to be looked at some time in June. If they have further queries on 
our application this is likely to delay it further.

We are looking at options to complain about this situation and also options for 
accelerating the timescale for applying direct to the Charity Commission - 
which needs £5,000 of pledged income first.

I will keep everyone informed of any developments with this.


Andrew Turvey
Company Secretary
Wikimedia UK
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