--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Chad <innocentkil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The problem with "putting it in a single function" is you
> still have
> to find where that function is to begin with (I'd assume
> either
> GlobalFunctions or install-utils would define this). At
> which point
> you're back to the original problem: defining $IP yourself
> so you
> can find this.
> Yes, we should probably do this all a little more cleanly
> (at least
> one unified style would be nice), but constructing it
> manually is
> pretty much a given for anything trying to find an entry
> point, as
> Tim points out.

I'm probably missing something since I have only been programming in PHP for 
about 4 weeks, but if you set include_path in php.ini so it includes the root 
of the MW tree, put a php file at that level that has a function (or a method 
in a class) that returns the MW root path, wouldn't that work? For example, if 
you modified include_path in php.ini to include <pathname to MW root>, added 
the file MWInit.php to the MW root directory and in MWInit.php put a function 
MWInit() that computes and returns $IP, wouldn't that eliminate the necessity 
of manually figuring out the value of $IP [each place where you now compute $IP 
could require_once('MWInit.php') and call MWInit()]?

Of course, it may be considered dangerous for the MW installation software to 
fool around with php.ini. But, even if you require setting the MW root manually 
in php.ini::include_path (abusing the php namespace disambiguation operator 
here) that would be an improvement. You should only have to do this once and 
could upgrade MW without disturbing this binding.


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