Brent Palmer wrote:
> //>  If you enabled tidy after importing the articles, did you purge them?
>>  That<small>  is closed for me with tidy, but the extra</div>  in the
>>  "Further reading" section does give me problems.
> Based on your comments, we realized that tidy must not be working or not 
> configured correctly after all.
> It turns out tidy was not turned on b/c we were accidentally using a slightly 
> different LocalSettings file.  My technician is calling
> it a "vim hiccup".   Uh huh, call it what you want... ;)

Tell him to use emacs ;)
Note that even different tidy versions can change the output.

> We are still working on the "*Expression error: Unexpected>  operator*" 
> problem though.
> Thanks for responding!
> Brent

AS I said, it's strange that you have a non-working pagesize
parserfunction in 1.16.

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