On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Happy-melon <happy-me...@live.com> wrote:
> The default BZ configuration comes, AFAIK, with a REMIND resolution.  This
> was briefly reenabled during the BZ4 upgrade, but was subsequently disabled
> again and the bugs I had closed with it reclassed as LATER.  This resolution
> seems to be broadly what you had in mind -- "We can't do anything with this
> as it stands because we need you to provide something, the ball's back in
> your court, ping us if you still want something done" -- and I don't really
> understand why it was (re)disabled.

For our purposes, REMIND and LATER are pretty much the same thing.
My proposal was to get rid of REMIND and only use LATER, to avoid


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