On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:44 AM, K. Peachey <p858sn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Happy-melon <happy-me...@live.com> wrote:
>> The default BZ configuration comes, AFAIK, with a REMIND resolution.  This
>> was briefly reenabled during the BZ4 upgrade, but was subsequently disabled
>> again and the bugs I had closed with it reclassed as LATER.  This resolution
>> seems to be broadly what you had in mind -- "We can't do anything with this
>> as it stands because we need you to provide something, the ball's back in
>> your court, ping us if you still want something done" -- and I don't really
>> understand why it was (re)disabled.
>> --HM
> Because we don't like it, If a bug is open and awaiting information it
> should be OPEN, not RESOLVED LATER dashed away where no one will ever
> look at it again, most people don't like having later enabled either
> :p.

Who's "we"? I know that I, for one, really don't like having bugs open
and assigned to me that I can't do anything about without further
information. It clutters my list of unresolved bugs. For a number of
years, that list has been utterly useless to me because there are so
many bugs that I don't know what to do with.

Andrew Garrett
Wikimedia Foundation

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