On 02/04/12 20:34, Ryan Lane wrote:
>> It's also possible for governments to snoop on HTTPS communications,
>> by using a private key from a trusted CA to perform a
>> man-in-the-middle attack. Apparently the government of Iran has done this.
> We really should publish our certificate fingerprints. An attack like
> this can be detected. An end-user being attacked can see if the
> certificate they are being handed is different from the one we
> advertise. We could also provide a convergence notary service (or one
> of the other things like convergence).

Indeed. Detecting a potential MITM is useless if you can't determine if
it's real or not. For instance the switch from RapidSSL to DigiCert
certificate was quite suspicious.

I don't know how to best publicise it, though. I suppose we would list
them somewhere like https://secure.wikimedia.org/servers.html but if
nobody knows it's there...

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