On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Terry Chay <tc...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>         Related is the fact that we seem to have a lot of PHP web dev 
> expertise (for some reason) and Gerrit went from Python (serviceable) to Java 
> (totally opaque). Apologies to those of you at the  WMF who lurv themselves 
> some Java… all two of you… and one of you is probably the guy who wrote the 
> "case against"

The more I've thought about it, the less that I feel "language it's written in"
really matters at all. The number of people contributing upstream is always
going to be relatively small, and as long as those who /want/ to contribute
upstream are comfortable with it, it could be written in Cobol for all I care.

It kinda struck me the other day when the subject of bug-tracking tools
came up again. Had we been using $SOME_OTHER_PRODUCT and
people were advocating switching to Bugzilla, I'm sure people would
complain "omg, it's Perl--we can't contribute upstream." But in reality,
how many people *have* contributed upstream to Bugzilla? Most
people file bugs in our tracker and they get re-filed upstream, which is
perfectly fine as long as there's an upstream who responds, which in
this case there is.

I think the choice of platform matters when we're talking about "ease of
installation/upgrading" to some degree so we don't make the ops angry,
but that's a total non-issue with Gerrit because installation/uprgrades
are very very easy :)


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