On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 02:21:03PM -0400, Derric Atzrott wrote:
> >As mentioned before, we can't use github enterprise at all, since it
> doesn't allow for hosting public repos. Let's ignore that it even exists.
> I feel like as Wikipedia is one of the top 10 most visited sites on the
> Internet we might be able to work out something special with them though
> right?  I'm not saying we have to go down that route, nor have I even
> examined all the advantages and disadvantages of the idea.  I feel though
> that the possibility exists though and should be looked into.
> If I was GitHub and the WMF approached me about potentially using GitHub
> Enterprise for MediaWiki and MediaWiki extensions and NOT for creating a
> competition service to GitHub, then I would likely entertain the idea of
> crafting a special set of terms for them.  Furthermore, I personally might
> even charge them differently given that that charging per developer would be
> crippling to an open-source project.  Of course, I am not GitHub, nor can I
> anticipate what they might do, nor their internal policies, but I can speak
> for myself and how I would run a FOSS focused company.

I think the BitKeeper story is relevant here: BitKeeper was one of the
first DVCSes. It was (is?) a proprietary for-profit tool that gave
special free licenses to certain free/open-source software projects,
like Linux. Linux was using it for years, due to having some unique at
the time features (and Linus liking it), although it was a controversial
choice in the community.

At one point, due to some "reverse engineering" (basically typing "help"
at its server and showing that in a talk) by some community members, the
company behind BitKeeper decided to revoke this free (as in beer)
license from the community members, effectively halting Linux
development. Git was first published a week after that.

Now, the situation is a bit different here. But I can certainly imagine
getting this "special" license exception revoked, GitHub Enterprise
discontinued as a product or whatever else. Can you imagine the
disruption that would cause to our development and operations?


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