Le 27/07/12 04:04, MZMcBride wrote:
> It's somewhat ironic that you have a group of people who regularly champion
> the virtues of open source software ("you can hack the code!") who have
> picked a software solution that's (apparently) nearly impossible to modify.
> Even eliminating Gerrit's vomit color scheme would be a vast improvement,
> but as I understand it, even basic CSS changes are a no-go with Gerrit.

You can change the CSS, even the head/footer html:


Openstack has a different style:

Roan did a skin that even ship jQuery:

So that is definitely doable. It is currently blocked because the
build-in CSS are loaded AFTER the user CSS which is totally dumb but is
definitely an easy fix.

> A few people on this list have gone so far as to say "but the next release
> is always better!" I realize I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek by suggesting
> earlier that Gerrit's UI was developed by Microsoft, but to have developers
> now spouting corporate justifications for shitty software? I'm left to
> wonder what the hell happened.

It goes better after each releases and they upstream release often. That
is definitely better than a company throwing a bone at the community
from time to time or not willing to merge community patches.

The UI could probably have used a designer. As for the Microsoft, I
remember from the 90's some design guidance for third parties such as
how to position buttons, the margin to let around them and so on. I urge
you to have a look at the Windows Phone 7 GUI which is definitely nicer,
cleaner and easier to use than the Android/iPhone interfaces.

> I'm lost as to how Gerrit was ever considered an option previously and how
> it's still an option on the table today, given its apparent inflexibility.

I did mention how Android used a homemade tool to do the reviews. It was
introduced to me by a friend who is doing Android development for mobile
phone companies. At first I was like: what about the existing google
code or github?  Then he explained me their pre commit workflow and it
made me sure we wanted to use that.
I think Ryan met the OpenStack folks who are using Gerrit. That probably
convinced him it was the right tool for us too.

> Say what you will about MediaWiki's CodeReview extension, but on its worst
> day, it never garnered as much resentment as Gerrit.

Our CodeReview tool lacked a good set of features such as the inline
commenting (which I coded but was reverted when 1.19 came live). It made
it very difficult to keep track of the follow up and comment reply.
Overall I am not regretting our old tool and will never come back to it.

MZ, Do you even have a labs account? Your continuous rants are far from
being constructive and makes everyone lose their time.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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