Tyler Romeo <tylerro...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> IMHO the primary motivation for using "Fixes: 123" (or
>> "Relates-To: 123") is to absolve the committer from te-
>> diously going back to the Bugzilla page and adding a Gerrit
>> link and (in the former case) the merger from marking the
>> bug as resolved as computers are so *much* better at that
>> (and cheaper).

> Can't we just use Gerrit's builtin topics for that?

That would actually be a very cool solution.  The downside
would be that the bug wouldn't be mentioned in the commit
message without explicit action by the author as the topic
branch is lost on merge (CMIIW), and an author would have to
remember when he decides to fix a bug not in one go, but
with intermediate steps, to rename the branch before submit-
ting.  Also, we would be limited to this one application.
Other projects seem to expand the footer syntax further,
cf. http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritWorkflow#Committing_Changes:

| Adds keystone support

| ...Long multiline description of the change...

| Implements: blueprint authentication
| Fixes: bug #123456
| Change-Id: I4946a16d27f712ae2adf8441ce78e6c0bb0bb657


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