On Mon, 18 Feb 2013 09:53:54 -0800, Waldir Pimenta <wal...@email.com> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Krinkle <krinklem...@gmail.com> wrote:

But before more bike shedding (have we had enough these last 2 months
yet?), is there a problem with having a directory?

It somewhat breaks the pattern, considering that all the other access
points (and their corresponding php5 files) are located in the root.

index.php, api.php, etc... provide entrypoints into the configured wiki.

mw-config/ installs and upgrades the wiki. With much of itself disconnected from core code that requires a configured wiki. And after installation it can even be eliminated completely without issue.

I don't consider the stuff inside mw-config to be an entrypoint. Nor something that belongs in the root.

I wouldn't even include mw-config in entrypoint modifications that would be applied to other entrypoint code.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://danielfriesen.name/]

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