On 19 Sep 2013 18:23, "Tim Starling" <tstarl...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On 20/09/13 03:04, Jon Robson wrote:
> > Thanks Tim for running those data. That seems to suggest the URL
> > structure works for the most case.
> I think the request rate for actual articles in the root is very, very
> low.

I agree.. Sorry I guess my message wasn't so clear. I meant "existing" URL
structure :)

And if you look at the paste I gave earlier:
> http://paste.tstarling.com/p/uhtFqg.html
> there's reason to think that the amount of traffic that comes from
> naive readers typing URLs and expecting an article is much smaller
> than even 149k per week. A naive user would be more likely to type a
> URL starting with a lower-case letter, and if you take those entries,
> and filter out the obvious client bugs and typos, that leaves only 39
> log entries. If we filter out some more log entries that are unlikely
> search terms for Wikipedia articles ("enregistrement-audio-musique",
> "is", "unlimited_data_plan", etc.), that leaves maybe 30.
> http://paste.tstarling.com/p/KWuHif.html
> Of these, only 12 actually correspond to Wikipedia articles or redirects:
> abolition
> addicting_games
> apple_inc
> carnaval
> dreamshade
> facade
> girls
> insidious
> karthik
> online_coupons
> snam
> walkabout
> So the number of naive readers actually helped by our 404 Refresh to
> /wiki/ is probably closer to 12k per week than 149k per week.
> Personally, I think the refresh is annoying, since it makes it much
> more difficult to correct typos in manually-typed URLs. If you
> actually meant to type some non-article URL like a CSS resource, and
> make a typo which causes it to hit the refresh, the URL you typed is
> erased from your browser's address bar and history, making correction
> of the typo much more difficult. Maybe we should just include a link
> to the search page, rather than redirect or refresh.
> -- Tim Starling
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