On Sep 23, 2013 11:09 PM, "Ryu Cheol" <rch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On iPad, I could not check it is http or https. You means that on mobile
devices such as iPad, it does not redirect to https. I feel a bit, it is
not consistent.

If it's not consistent then that's a probably bug to be fixed. Can you
provide more details and try to eliminate any variables? e.g. maybe one
device had a forceHTTPS cookie set or one was logged in and one was not. Or
they were using different uplinks.

> In the region which https is not allowed, could we keep the http as the
default protocol for example China?
> I thought I totally lost the access. I ask we could change directing
behavior according to the region the access comes from?

This has been discussed many times (including many times on this list). You
can catch up with the meta summary[0] (or links at the bottom of that page)
or the archives of this list.

[0] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/HTTPS#Excluded_Countries

Ryan wrote:
> Can you email me privately and let me know what your IP address is? We
> actually do have something in place to not redirect logged-in users in
> regions (such as China). Maybe the geoip database we are using is
> for your area.

I got the impression that the trip to China was finished; we'll see what he

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