Hi Bryan,

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Bryan Davis <bd...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 7:00 AM, Moritz Schubotz <phy...@physikerwelt.de> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Bryan,
>> thank you very much for your contribution to the Math extension and
>> the associated vagrant role.
> :) You're welcome. Thanks for being dedicated enough to this problem
> to work on it as a volunteer.
>> I have tried to write a patch for operations/puppet
>> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/148836/
>> but that's far away from finished.
>> A lot of configuration and server assignment has to be done.
> It looks like your patch is getting some feedback this morning. \o/
>> I searched for the string parsoid in the config files and found a lot
>> of entries, that seem to specify how parsoid is deployed to individual
>> servers.
>> It thought it makes little sense to copy that.
> I'm not sure what sort of config Mathoid needs. In general, cluster
> config uses feature flags like $wmgUseParsoid that are set in
> InitialiseSettings.php. Then the feature flags are used in
> CommonSettings.php to guard setting "LocalSettings.php" config values
> for wikis where the feature flag is enabled. Both prod and beta use
> the settings from this file. CommonSettings-labs.php can be used to
> change settings from the defaults used in production to match beta
> specific needs.
There are two components. The mathoid server, that does not need any
settings at the moment, and the Math extension that has some settings.
In my comment above I was not talking of the PHP settings for mathoid,
but for settings the define on which production instances parsoid is
and how monitoring is done etc.
>> I had the impression that prior to this change
>> http://git.wikimedia.org/blobdiff/operations%2Fmediawiki-config/173851ef628359d96fb196172a01cfcfd1da82e5/wmf-config%2FCommonSettings.php
>> it was possible to enable the MathML rendering mode on betalabs.
>> The comment
>> "These variables point to non-WMF servers by default."
>> is not correct.
>> $wgMathMathMLUrl = "http://mathoid.testme.wmflabs.org"; is hosted in
>> the eqiad cluster.
> For the purposes of production configuration, something hosted in
> wmflabs.org should be treated the same as something hosted at nsa.gov.
> We don't want production to talk to labs ever. First there are privacy
> concerns and second Labs will melt if you turn even a tiny fraction of
> enwiki's traffic towards it.
Got it.
>> But it showed that there things on the beta cluster are different from 
>> vagrant
>> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66516
>> describes that the MathML tags are filtered out somehow.
> I get MathML rendering of the formula on
> http://deployment.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/User:Anomie/Sandbox,
> but I'm not sure what that proves or disproves in relation to your bug
> reports.
The question is where did you test that. Locally get MathML as well.
But when I tested on the beta labs cluster (with the old config that
used "http://mathoid.testme.wmflabs.org";) most of the MathML elements
were filtered out.
That's the bug report. I guess the reason for that is that there is a
different configuration on the beta cluster or another extension that
interferes with the math extension in an inadequate way.

> Bryan
> --
> Bryan Davis              Wikimedia Foundation    <bd...@wikimedia.org>
> [[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]  Sr Software Engineer            Boise, ID USA
> irc: bd808                                        v:415.839.6885 x6855
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