On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Gabriel Wicke <gwi...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Regarding general-purpose APIs vs. mobile: I think mobile is in some ways a
> special case as their content transformation needs are closely coupled with
> the way the apps are presenting the content. Additionally, at least until
> SPDY is deployed there is a strong performance incentive to bundle
> information in a single response tailored to the app's needs.

A notion of schemas that declare a specific set of transformations to
be applied/not applied might help avoid overcomplicating things early
on while addressing different transformation needs even within the
growing number of mobile use cases (Android app alpha/beta/stable, iOS
app alpha/beta/stable, mobile web alpha/beta/stable, third party
apps), and potentially making code re-usable for desktop needs down
the road. Since the number of schemas would be limited, and specifying
the correct schema would result in a single response, performance
could be optimized for each use case.

Erik Möller
VP of Product & Strategy, Wikimedia Foundation

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