I don't think putting a $$ value on it is necessary to answer David's
question (Or even sufficient from a user perspective). The core of it

*Will anyone (from WMF) be coding any new features, that don't exist yet.
*Will features that half work or are currently in the process of being
developed, be completed (Assuming there are any, I'm not following
flow development that closely).
*Will someone be working on existing bugs during this time (Or at
least existing bugs at some level of seriousness. And if so, what
level of seriousness would be required for someone to do it)
*Will someone be triaging and fixing new bugs as they come in (And
again, how does the answer vary depending on the seriousness of the
*Is the team planning to come back to Flow at a later date in a
serious way, or is this the end of active development for the
foreseeable future.


On 9/4/15, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding specific resource-level commitments: I've always had a hard time
> with getting project-level financial data from WMF. I'm still waiting for
> replies to questions that I asked about the Annual Plan a couple of months
> ago. I do think that information like that should be public, and it would
> be nice if WMF would move toward more financial transparency that's at
> least on par with what's provided by US government agencies. I'd like to
> keep the financial transparency discussion a bit separate from the
> discussion about Flow's status. If WMF starts to provide public details
> about project-level accounting in general, I would welcome that.
> Pine
>> It read to me and many others like a fairly standard set of euphemisms
>> for when a project is killed but nobody wants to say "killed". Perhaps
>> we're all reading it wrong.
>> So, non-euphemistically: could someone please detail what, precisely,
>> is and is not the level of resource commitment to Flow? (And how it
>> compares to e.g. the level of resource commitment to LQT.)
>> - d.
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