On 09/19/2017 10:34 AM, Bryan Davis wrote:

For what it's worth, my opinion is that PHP is an actual FLOSS
software project with years of history and core contributions from
Zend who make their living with PHP. HHVM is a well funded internal
project from Facebook that has experimented with FLOSS but ultimately
is controlled by the internal needs of Facebook. For me the choice
here is obviously to back the community driven FLOSS project and help
them continue to thrive.


As a practical choice, given the wide usage of PHP on the web, it makes a lot more sense to throw our weight behind Zend development since it is more likely to survive than HHVM which is more subject to the whims and fancies of FB's internal choices which we are not privy to and cannot influence in any meaningful way. I mean how big of a user besides Mediawiki serving Wikipedia sites does it have to be for FB to consider other user's needs?


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