On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 3:28 PM Petr Bena <benap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there any historical evidence that sysops being able to edit JS /
> CSS caused some serious issues? Your point that "most of
> administrators don't understand JS / CSS" is kind of moot. They are
> usually trustworth and intelligent people. They don't mess up with
> something they don't understand and therefore it makes little sense to
> restrict them from being able to do that.

The primary concern here is someone taking over the account by password
guessing, social engineering, phishing, exploiting some unfixed MediaWiki
vulnerability etc. The secondary concern is admins becoming malicious or
doing something stupid as a way of ragequitting, which is rare but does
happen (for example, not so long ago, someone thought it would be a good
idea to make money by installing a cryptocoin miner on Wikipedia). Admins
making a mistake and breaking the site also happens occasionally, but
that's not a security problem so it's a pretty minor issue in comparison.

I understand your points, but do we really need it? Is it going to
> improve anything?

It reduces the attack surface. Less people with access means less
vulnerable passwords, less people whose system has been infected with the
latest computer virus etc.
Also there are things we might require JS editors to do which might be
inconvenient to some people (e.g. making two-factor authentication
required) so it's good to reduce the number of people who have to be
exposed to that.
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