On 2 Jun 2000, Alexandre Julliard wrote:

> Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     So what I did is have winuser.h include winbase.h anyway but I
> > really don't like this. Maybe I should really go add a '#include
> > "winbase.h"' in all the Wine files that need it. 
> That would be preferable yes.

    I agree. It will take longer but it allowed me to realize that the
issue is more complex than just adding includes everywhere. 

    winbase and wtypes seem to share a lot of things. So it looks like
you can either include winbase or wtypes before you include winuser.
Which I guess is why winuser does not include winbase in the first

    The problem is that our version of wtypes is incomplete and I think
even not always consitent with what's in winbase. So I'm going to bring
try to bring them in sync and analyze why stuff is being duplicated and
if we can avoid that.
    Then I'll add includes averywhere. I guess it's going to be wtypes
since it seems to be leaner than winbase. 

   I'll submit a new patch when I'm finished... next weekend hopefully. 

Francois Gouget         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://fgouget.free.fr/
                         "Utilisateur" (nom commun) :
        Mot utilisé par les informaticiens en lieu et place d'"idiot".

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