at, you can find
some directions to compile WinPcap. Similar information can be found in the
readme-visualC and readme-cygwin files in the WinPcap source code. If you
want to improve these documents, you are of course welcome.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 11:59 AM
> Subject: [WinPcap-users] Startup help
> Hello,
> I'm familier with the concept of compiling programs as I have 
> compiled many packages for Linux, but I'm having trouble 
> figuring out exactly how I can get set up to compile WinDump 
> on my Windows 2003 workstation.
> I would be very grateful if somebody would provide a list of 
> things (such as
> compilers)
> and files I need to download, or point me to a HOW-TO which 
> explains each step.
> For compilers I have Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 
> command line compiler, from the Microsoft website.
> Also I have downloaded cygwin and mingW32, but I can't seem 
> to get MingW32 to compile any programs with network support, 
> and I can't seem to get cygwin to compile any programs. But 
> I'll be glad to try and re-install cygwin again.
> If I can't make cygwin or MSVC++ to compile windump, I may 
> have access to other C compilers because the company I work 
> for has an MSDN subscription.
> If there is not already a HOW-TO page that gives these 
> step-by-step instructions, and I do get it all figured out 
> (probably with some help from you guys), I'll be glad to 
> write a how-to page for new-comers (such as I am right now) 
> and either post it on my website or give you the HTML so you 
> can paste it into your windump website.
> Thank you very much,
> Jesse
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