2ft wide x 4ft long x 4ft deep.... There you go !

You will need 2.4cubic yards of concrete - which means - approx 220 80lb
sacks of ready mix - Call in a cement truck for this... You'll be mixing
for 2 months by hand :)


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Brian Rohrbacher
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 11:58 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rohn BX Tower

Found it.  But now I don't understand exactly how big my hole needs to


Brian Rohrbacher wrote:

> As close as I get is the info on page 9 and 10.  All I want is the
> dumb thing to say "dig a hole this by this for a 40 footer."  I still 
> have no idea how big of a hole I need.
> A. Huppenthal wrote:
>> The trouble with mixing your own cement is that there's *never*
>> really enough. Do a 4 x 4 foot pad that's 5 feet deep and you've got 
>> lots of concrete. If a cement truck is not an option, rent a mixer. 
>> Don't skimp on the plug, it's really hard to add concrete later.. :-)
>> Brian Rohrbacher wrote:
>>> That one has 7 sections and mine has 5.  I never found the specs for
>>> base.  I'll keep looking.
>>> Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
>>>> http://bold98.org/gallery/ProjectsTower
>>>> Please read this and the manual from the site.  You do not have 
>>>> nearly enough concrete for the base.
>>>> Lonnie
>>>> On 8/21/05, Brian Rohrbacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I dug a hole 32 inch square by 42 inches deep yesterday for a rohn

>>>>> bx tower.  It is 5 sections of 8 ft.  I just got 15 bags of 
>>>>> portland cement and will add my own gravel. I was thinking about 
>>>>> three 1 1/2 inch pieces of pipe stuck in the concrete to bolt the 
>>>>> tower legs to.  I will thread and put couplers on the pipe at 22 
>>>>> inches so they can't move.  I've got some re-bar to chuck down in 
>>>>> the hole too. I've got 3 8ft ground rods and will bond with #4 
>>>>> bare stranded wire.  I picked up a load of grade 8 bolts,
>>>>> washers, and lock washers for bolting the tower together and to 
>>>>> the pipe stubs.  Anyone have any suggestions
>>>>> for me?  This is my first tower.  I will pour tomorrow afternoon.
>>>>> brian
>>>>> --
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