Hey, Butch, there are part-15 organized people on the ground in Louisana
right now, and we're funnelling support to them as we speak.   We're
supporting people who, just like Mac, are attempting to do the same thing
Mac's doing.

WISPA's support of Mac is a great example of kindness and generosity on the
part of folks who could easily make the case they need thier means for
themselves.   Thank you ALL for your generosity.

This isn't a case of either/or, or a failed effort.   Part-15 launched
several things at once, and we learned very quickly the ugly reality of
dealing with government agencies and beaurocratic organizations.

There's going to be some lessons to be drawn and clearly described later,
after hindsight makes this all more clear and easily understood.

In the meantime,  everyone's support is going to where its needed, and the
lives you change are the reward only Heaven knows.


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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Butch Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need Inputs From Hurricane Relief WISP
TeamsForFCCPresentation on Thursday

> On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, George wrote:
> >I believe that it's important for WISPA and Part-15 to have a
> >mutually beneficial and respected relationship between us. I am not
> >for casting stones, or trying to blur the efforts of Part-15.
> I am not up to "blurring the efforts of Part-15", but someone please
> explain what benefit it is to form a "relationship" with Part-15.
> >From what I recall, Part-15 is a for profit organization focused on
> "training and education".  The only "benefit" I see is that the
> Part-15 membership rolls are good "targets" (forgive the not exactly
> accurate term) for WISPA membership.  I don't see the two
> organizations as being an either/or type deal.
> What Part-15 attempted to do in the aftermath of the Katrina event
> was honorable and would have been beneficial had it worked out.
> There were a combination of things that happened to make their
> efforts futile.  Even so, they DID send some things down to Mac
> Dearman, and perhaps JohnnyO, too.  I am not sure about the Johnny
> shipments, but it seems that I heard that they did.  Either way,
> their effort was good, their intent was honorable...it just didn't
> work out.
> Is it apparent that I tried very hard to keep my "personal issues"
> out of this?  Probably not....I'm not that good at that kind of
> thing.
> -- 
> Butch Evans
> BPS Networks  http://www.bpsnetworks.com/
> Bernie, MO
> Mikrotik Certified Consultant
> (http://www.mikrotik.com/consultants.html)
> -- 
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