
VoIP is going to be a steady stream of anywhere from 30k to 100k depending on codec, equipment and handshake. (Think of it like the way modem's work ... you don't get 56k, you get what is negotiated. Hosted PBX or IP Centrex offerings tend to eat up more bandwidth. Can your network handle that? Can it handle people checking voicemail across your network - or do you want to sell PBX systems to allow VM and Music on Hold locally?

Are you going to do it yourself and become a VoIP provider or use a turn-key solution?
Lots of the 1200 VoIP Providers are smoke and mirrors, so be careful.
DIY isn't a picnic either since Voice is NOT data. People can put up with no email for a little while, but not having dial-tone won't float.

I have a couple of articles for the DIY-er:

This discussion might get more feedback on WISPA's VOIP list (

Vonage got hit with 2 patent suits from VZ today (
It seems everyone offering VoIP is trampling a patent.

Those are just a few thoughts this morning. If you want to offer VoIP, I would be happy to help you put the proper solution in place for your situation, whether that is a turn-key solution or a DIY.


(813) 963-5884

Patrick Shoemaker wrote:

With last week's discussion on the ability of different product lines to support simultaneous VoIP calls, I'd like to start a discussion on VoIP as a service offering. First, a little introduction. I'm in the planning stages of an ISP. I intend to target small/medium businesses (no residential) in an area that is served with other technologies (DSL). I am currently working part time doing IT for a group of small businesses, and was just about sold on a WISP last year that offered a voice/data plan as a package that would have saved money. We ended up not switching after reading about some of the pending lawsuits against the service provider!

What I am trying to figure out is the best way to offer VoIP services to my customers. My main selling points on my Internet services will be reliability, service, and flexibility. And yes, I do intend to back these up. In the small business sector, it will be much easier to sell a highly reliable Internet connection to a customer if it's providing more than just access for lunchtime web browsing. Integrating voice and data will both save the customer money and justify the cost of the "dedicated" Internet line.

So, how are the service providers out there doing it now? Acting as a reseller for a larger VoIP provider? Do you offer customers any PBX-like features or just dial access? Looking for suggestions, things to avoid, and a little experience here. Thanks!


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