Off the subject, but if you are a major operator then you are most certainly using cisco in your core, and eigrp is standard in cisco enviroments and makes sense if it's available to you. Like 802.1q and ISL - you could do 802.1q and interoperate, or just ISL and have the benefits of better across the board management and configuration flexibillity, at the cost of interoperabillity with non cisco gear. Personally I would go with cisco for everything if I could, but last time I checked, they don't have anything I can comfortablly install and run off solar power in low temprature enviroments....


Jeff Broadwick wrote:
Hi Ryan,

I realize this is somewhat tangential to your main point, but I wanted to
point out that EIGRP/IGRP aren't standard protocols, nor will they work with
any other router, necessarily.  If you are shying away from proprietary
equipment, Cisco's proprietary routing protocols are the last things you
should be using.


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