I'd agree with your plan Marlon, but in all thuthfullness, I doubt you've ever tried Star-os.... I would be shocked if you actually did, because you have to route to use Star and we know your a bridger not a router.

I have 700 wireless subs comming off a star wireless backhaul with no issues to date.

I've been using Star-os for my PtP's and PtMP's for years and I can tell you Star works just fine for backhauls. As a matter of fact I have yet to find where it doesn't work well.

Lots of wispa are using Star and MT for backhauls.
Now Smart Bridges, I will agree with you on.

Cisco, Tranzeo, I would also have a hard time believing don't work for backhauls. But I have limited experience with those.

If Jim is just starting out, he may have budget restraints, and with that I'd definatly be looking at Star for a backhaul.
10-20K verses 1-2k is quite a difference.

And if he did have an issue that arose from interference along the way, he could easily, easily make the bigger investment in orthogon radios.
And then he could use the star in other places.

I would start out being conservative first.


Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
Hi Jim,

FIRST, find a place in KC that's high enough to see your local. OR a spot mid way to your local.

If you can get Bandwidth at that spot AND see your head end, then this is a no brainier for me. Drop in an Orthogon link and off you go. (note, you may be under a long term contract with your t-1) My guess is that you'll need 4' dishes on each end to get the link reliable, your vendor should be able to tell you for sure though.

If you end up cutting the link in two, I'd go with something a bit more small scale. The new Alvarion BH units would likely do the trick. I like the new Airaya radios as well. Use as many links as it takes.

For this distance you are likely looking at $10,000 to $20,000. On a 5 year loan the price of that will likely be very close to the cost of your t-1 transport!

One other note Jim. WiFi is NOT reliable for backhaul to more than a few subscribers. I use wifi only to feed towers that handle less than 100 users out here. I don't care what band it's in.... WiFi, ALL WiFi has a backoff mechanism in place for when it hits interference. You want a backhaul system that does NOT use any such mechanism. The backhaul radios should always keep trying. Orthogon, Motorola, Alvarion, Trango etc. work for me. StarOS, Mikrotik, Cisco, Tranzeo, SmartBridges etc. don't work for me.

Touch base with me if you'd like to talk about this some more.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Stout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wireless Backhaul - Where Do I Begin?

Thanks to all who replied to my initial question. It might help to understand what I'm doing now and want to do in the future.

My wife and I live in rural Cass County Missouri. We're too far out for Cable or DSL and Satellite is out of the question due to the havoc that huge amounts of latency wreaks upon VPN clients So in order to get a high-speed connection out in the country, we dragged a T1 line to the house, stood up a 30' tower and began selling bandwidth to our neighbors. I learned all I know about this "stuff" at last Fall's ISPCON in Santa Clara so I'm feeling a little bit wind-burned right now. This is also where I met John Scrivner who convinced me that joining WISPA was a great way to gain access to this community and continue to have the support group that I need. Well, a few months have flown by and once word leaks out that there is an affordable high-speed Internet connection available, they truly beat down your door wanting to know when they can be installed. I'm having a great time, enjoy the people and am considering making this more than just a "Hobby WISP."

We are about 30 or so miles from downtown Kansas City as the radio waves fly, and are relatively high up. I spoke to my provider (AT&T) about additional bandwidth and out here they can continue to bring me T1 lines across copper, but I have to believe there's a more cost-effective solution available. This is why I posed the original question.

I feel that I could serve about 500 clients in this rural area and would like the option of scaling up to 45Mbps to support them. Obviously bandwidth distrubution comes into play along with detailed planning and design, but at this point, I'm just looking for ideas to help me formulate my plans.

As always, thanks to all who have responded and continue to assist met!

Waremest regards, Jim....

Jim Stout
LTO Communications, LLC
15701 Henry Andrews Dr
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
(816) 305-1076 - Mobile
(816) 497-0033 - Pager

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Rock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Wireless Backhaul - Where Do I Begin?

We look at three primary things when addressing backhaul needs...
They are in order:
1. Path Analysis and Distance, Without LOS between the two desired sites
usually you can kiss the link goodbye. If there is LOS then how far we are
shooting helps determine antenna sizes.

2. Frequency Usage on site - Again helps determine the radio type.

3. Capacity - Helps determine radio type.

Figure out where you are shooting from and to.
If that is OK then find out what frequencies are in use at those sites.
Then know how much Bandwidth you will need or want.

To address your specific questions.
I would check with your current provider and ask them upgrade questions.
They may be able to provide you with a fractional DS3 at really attractive rates. If they can't provide that then ask them if they recommend a carrier in your area. I would then need to look further at your network to determine
best backhaul to the different legs of the network.

Transport of choose is 5.8Ghz radios and then probably licensed.

Distances are form 0-40+ miles. The farther you shoot the better the
planning and budgeting needs to be. Typical links seem to be between 5-20

Bandwidth - Licensed can be out of this world fast but you are probably
looking at unlicensed, 18-54Mbs over the air which translates to about 10-35 actual throughputs max. We would base that need on planned growth over a one
to two year period.

Cost = Cheap - very expensive. All based on need. How much do you want to

John Rock
ACC, Inc., Wireless Connections Division
ACCessing the Future Today!!
ph. 419.668.4080 x2234
fax 419-668-4077
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 10:09 AM
To: wireless@wispa.org
Subject: [WISPA] Wireless Backhaul - Where Do I Begin?


I'm looking out about 6 months and expect to run out of bandwidth with my
current T1 line.  That's the good news because it means that I have more
demand than supply.  My niche is that I serve the rural community and
getting bandwidth out here is a challenge. I would like to begin planning for an expanded service area but the first problem I need to solve is the
acquisition of more bandwidth.

I think the most likely solution would be for a wireless backhaul but I have no idea where to begin. Since you all have helped so much in the past, I figured this forum would at least set me on the correct path. Questions I have include: Who are the cost-effective providers? What's the transport medium of choice? What kinds of distances are available? What is the unit
of bandwidth - 45Mbps? And what costs are to be expected?

  As usual, thanks in advance for any and all responses!

Regards, Jim in Kansas City..

Jim Stout

LTO Communications, LLC

15701 Henry Andrew Dr

Pleasant Hill, MO 64080

(816) 987-6329 - Home

(816) 305-1076 - Mobile

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George Rogato

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