What kills it is NOT the bandwidth.
What kills it is the I/O's.
Each box's CPU can only handle so many I/O requests per second.
Each stream is at least 1 I/O request.
That's how it is determined.

Asterisk can handle 1000 calls per server IF the server can handle that many I/O requests AND if the router can. Most routers cannot. (This is all from a long discussion with John Todd about Asterisk clustering and stuff).


Peter @ RAD-INFO, Inc.

Doug Ratcliffe wrote:

But in the same sense, its not as cut and dry as oversubscription.  If it
were, then a 5Mbps/5Mbps ratio could give me 103 calls/Mbit (IAX2/G729) but
in reality, that's 100k PPS per 100 calls, making it unworkable.  But at the
same token, if I decide 15 concurrent calls @ G711 per AP is a usable number
with bandwidth left over, I can manage oversubscription there.
Ultimately, it's the PPS that kills it.  But can systems like Mikrotik for
QOS adequately pack the packets over the wireless so that instead of
transmitting 100 300byte packets, to transmit 20 1500byte packets?
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