The OLSR wikipedia page doesn't do a very good job of analyzing the
strengths and weaknesses of OLSR.

The big problem with OLSR is that it's fairly new, immature, and not
widely used or supported (mainly open source roll your own solutions
and StarOS are the only ones that I know of off the top of my head
that use it).

Still, why it is attractive... (or could be if more common / standardized)....

Yes, OLSR does push routing tables to all devices (as does OSPF and
BGP)...I call that a feature, not a flaw.  Link-state (ie OSPF and
BGP) protocols are much better than distant vector (ie RIP) simply
because routers will make much better decisions if they can "see" the
entire network at once instead of just what the next node is
reporting.  Sure, that does take more memory and CPU, but the
alternative is much worse...  There are some "theoretical" other
approaches, but nothing that, as far as I know, is more than a gleam
in the eye of some grad student.

The OLSR page failed to mention the main reason why OLSR is
theoretically attractive over OSPF--link state quality (there has been
some noise about adding this onto OSPF, but, it's largely just noise
at this point and nothing that one could really implement).

In other words, OLSR (technically via an extension) has the ability to
choose routes based not just on link speed, load, link state (is it up
or down), but also on how little packet loss is being experienced
across the link.  So, with OSPF, a 10Mb/s interface that is has no
packet loss will "lose out" to a 100Mb/s interface that has some
packet loss (as long as the packet loss doesn't "down" the interface
or is the result of load, which can also be calculated).  Which, is
great for wired connections, where you're dealing with very low bit
error rates and so forth.  One wired Ethernet link is, pretty much
100% of the time, pretty much identical to the next.  Wireless, of
course, does have a wider variance.  OLSR performs rudimentary packet
loss calculations across the links and takes this information into
account to give preference to good links over not so good links. is a good writeup on this...

OSPF is good for wireless if you are using very well engineered links
(think nice point to point connections).  So, if you are deploying
mesh simply as a way of getting some redundancy in a network, then
OSPF is definitely good.

For some situations, though, the point of doing wireless mesh is that
you make up for quality with quantity.  Mesh takes the concept that,
to some degree, multiple "less than perfect" links can, in aggregate,
be as reliable as one very solid, if you're going block by
block in a city (for example), you may realize that some of your links
will be problematic, at best.  This is especially true among community
wireless networks where your links are based on volunteers, not on
design per-se.  If that is the reason why you are using a mesh
topology, then you would ideally need something that can differentiate
based not just on speed and state of a link, but also on the quality
of the connection of the link.  Still, it is important to note that
there are other problems associated with mesh that don't necessarily
have anything to do with a routing protocol per-se; relying on
multiple unreliable links to synthisize a reliable connection is
problematic on other levels, since, if your network topology changes
pretty frequently, you'll get packets coming in out of order and so

Clint Ricker
-Kentnis Technologies

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