Marlon, you are pretty rural :)   You probably would have a hard time
growing much without heading 500 miles to find a market with more people
than cows :).  From what I'd guess from your economics, strict bandwidth
caps may be a good choice for you--but, for people who either are in or have
access to larger markets, more subscribers is a better route for _so_ many
reasons and has the nice benefit of making bandwidth much cheaper on a
per-subscriber basis--increased oversubscription ratios combined with lower
bandwidth costs.

-Clint Ricker
Kentnis Technologies

On Nov 19, 2007 12:20 PM, Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 <

> That's easy to say when you are in an area with thousands of potential
> customers ;-)
> Marlon
> (509) 982-2181
> (408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
> 42846865 (icq)                                    WISP Operator since
> 1999!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Hammett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 8:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Vuze / Comcast / Peer to Peer / FCC
> > I'm glad someone else has the same philosophy I do.
> >
> >
> > -----
> > Mike Hammett
> > Intelligent Computing Solutions
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Clint Ricker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "WISPA General List" <>
> > Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 9:48 AM
> > Subject: Re: [WISPA] Vuze / Comcast / Peer to Peer / FCC
> >
> >
> >> Sam and Matt, very well said.
> >>
> >> To the rest: If you are petitioning the FCC in union with the cable
> >> companies and telcos, you are screwing your future and help your
> >> competition.  You can't win by the rules that they make.  The network
> >> neutrality battle could potentially change the service provider
> economics
> >> enough in very positive directions for you.  This is a
> >> politically-charged
> >> enough topic that something interesting may actually happen on this :)
> >>
> >> First of all, get more customers!  With enough customers, the
> >> oversubscription on bandwidth becomes much better--you can fit
> thousands
> >> and
> >> thousands of resi customers in a 100Mb/s pipe without dropping, but
> about
> >> 10-20 in a 5Mb/s pipe.   With enough customers, the bandwidth cost per
> >> customer comes down to almost nothing.  If you need to limit a couple
> of
> >> outlying customers (the ones using 3Mb/s all the time), sure, go ahead.
> >> But
> >> don't hate bit torrent or any other protocol :)  Bit Torrent bandwidth
> >> costs
> >> _exactly_ the same price as http bandwidth.
> >>
> >> I really don't agree with a business philosophy that fundamentally sees
> >> it
> >> as a bad thing if people are actually using your service :).  Embrace
> it
> >> and
> >> figure out how to make it profitable (hint--spend more time getting new
> >> customers and less time trying to shave costs).   The bandwidth math is
> >> MUCH
> >> better with 1,000 customers than a hundred and MUCH better with 10,000
> >> than
> >> a 1,000.
> >>
> >> To everyone thinking that there needs to be "network neutrality"
> >> requirements for big guys, but little guys should be allowed to block:
> do
> >> you really want to send the message to your (potential) customers:
> >> hey--my
> >> competition will let you run the service you want, I won't.
> >>
> >> This is an opportunity to actually get ahead of the game and have a leg
> >> up
> >> on your competition.  Here are the facts as I see them (applies to the
> >> residential market only):
> >>
> >> 1. The cost of bandwidth for telcos and MSOs is really extremely low on
> a
> >> per customer basis.  The bulk of their cost--and why this is a big
> issue
> >> for
> >> them--is the cost of getting that bandwidth to the customer.  For these
> >> guys, the major cost is in the transport networks: fiber buildout is
> >> extremely expensive, transport gear is incredibly expensive, etc.
>  WISPs
> >> have ridiculously cheap transport networks and, with enough scale,
> don't
> >> really pay much more for bandwidth.  If you get scale, your bandwidth
> >> costs
> >> also drop.  In other words, once you hit a certain scale, your cost of
> >> delivering service becomes much less than your competition.
> >> 2. You can't compete on price with a telco/mso doing triple play.  The
> >> economics aren't there.  You don't offer video.  Your customers want
> >> video.
> >> They want to be able to watch House and CSI and Dancing with the Stars.
> >> This means that even if they keep you for Internet access, they will
> sign
> >> up
> >> for television service.  They will then, every month, get offers for
> >> bundled
> >> video + data services (and sometimes voice) for prices that you can't
> >> compete with.
> >> 3. Your competitors can't compete in price without subsidizing their
> >> network
> >> buildout with revenue from overpriced, monopolistic telephony and video
> >> solutions.  If/When the Internet becomes _the_ medium for delivering
> >> this,
> >> you can adapt to that by...the end of this week.  Your competition will
> >> take
> >> years and years to get to this point and fight it every step of the
> way.
> >>>From a revenue / cost standpoint, they simply cannot survive in such an
> >> environment.
> >>
> >> However, if people use Joost and Vuze and whatall, then they can use
> >> connection and no longer have a need to get their video services
> >> elsewhere.
> >> Embrace this.  Advertise this.  Help your customers find video services
> >> online.  Make a portal for this.  Start mailing your customers (and
> your
> >> competitor's customers!) and saying "Bob's Internet: includes over
> 10,000
> >> video channels for free" and "Bob's three step guide to saving $800 per
> >> year: (step 1: get Bob's Internet, step 2: Tell your cable company
> >> "bye-bye"
> >> step 3: Enjoy 10,000 video channels on Bob's Internet Access).
> >>
> >> Get your customers thinking: "I can watch CSI and so forth on the
> >> Internet".  You take a data customer away from a cable company...big
> >> deal.
> >> You get a community converted to watching their video on the Internet
> and
> >> the math changes DRASTICALLY in your favor.  You are trying to compete
> >> using
> >> a business model that revolves around a $30-$40 average monthly revenue
> >> per
> >> customer against providers who have $100-$250 average monthly revenue
> per
> >> customer.  Attack that!  They simply can't afford to be profitable on a
> >> single pipe / single service model--you can.
> >>
> >> Remember, the late 90s were a golden era for independent ISPs because
> >> they
> >> got ahead of the curve.  Most of you are, quite bluntly, behind the
> curve
> >> now.  This is an opportunity to get ahead of the curve
> >>
> >> Comment on this to the FCC--just comment in favor of Network
> Neutrality.
> >> Believe it or not, you will do MUCH better under this model than your
> >> competition because it very much favors your business model and is
> >> incredibly harmful to your competitor's business model.  If you
> question
> >> my
> >> math, feel free to contact me offl-list--there are some specifics that
> >> I'm
> >> not willing to discuss in a public forum.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Clint Ricker
> >> -Kentnis Technologies
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Nov 18, 2007 10:44 PM, Matt Larsen - Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> My strong feeling is that the free market approach is by far the best
> >>> approach to the Network Neutrality/Network Management.  If Comcast
> wants
> >>> to degrade the service to their customers, then that is an opportunity
> >>> for the other providers in the market - they are essentially degrading
> >>> their own service, especially if they are doing it in a way that
> >>> "breaks" specific applications.   In markets where there is a monopoly
> >>> or duopoly  and both providers engage in purposefully breaking
> specific
> >>> applications, leaving the customer with no choices, the market
> condition
> >>> is a result of poor regulatory policy - not poor network management.
> >>> Competition will take care of that problem.  The few remaining
> >>> independent ISPs have this as one of the few potential advantages that
> >>> they can bring to the table - a truly different type of service, with
> >>> the concerns of the provider and the customer in balance and
> appropriate
> >>> for both parties.  The issue that Vuze seems to be taking is that
> >>> breaking of applications is unacceptable, but good network management
> is
> >>> fine, as long as it doesn't discriminate against specific applications
> >>> or protocols.
> >>>
> >>> I do take issue with the characterization of Vuze/BitTorrent as being
> a
> >>> "parasite" on our networks.   They are not forcing the customer to use
> >>> them for content - our customers paid for connectivity to the
> Internet,
> >>> and should be able to use that connectivity for whatever they want to,
> >>> in a way that does not degrade the performance of the network.   It is
> >>> the responsibility of the network operator to deploy the network is a
> >>> way to deliver appropriate levels of service,  establish clear
> >>> definitions of the different levels of service and communicate the
> >>> differences to the customers so that they know what they are getting.
>  I
> >>> personally love Vuze, I use it to get my favorite Showtime shows and
> >>> also for downloading OS images and software updates.  Using it for
> these
> >>> purposes doesn't harm or degrade my network and is a very appropriate
> >>> set of uses for me or any other user on my network.  It does help that
> I
> >>> have optimized the software to use a limited number of connections,
> and
> >>> have also optimized my network to ensure that no customers are able to
> >>> open an excessive number of connections to use it.   This not a
> >>> violation of "Network Neutrality" or an example of "Intentional
> >>> Degradation" to an application.   It is optimization.  It is also the
> >>> responsibility of companies like Vuze to make sure that their software
> >>> is optimized for good performance as well - it is in their best
> >>> interest.
> >>>
> >>> Bit Caps are not necessarily the answer, as it introduces levels of
> >>> billing complexity and doesn't always represent the best solution.  If
> >>> there is extra capacity on the network, and the provider's backbone
> >>> connection is not subject to bit caps or usage-based billing, then bit
> >>> caps are not needed because the economic cost of extra bits is
> >>> inconsequential.   However, too many have taken this too far, leading
> to
> >>> the idea that "bits are free", which is total B.S.   There is always
> an
> >>> underlying foundational cost of infrastructure connectivity, and that
> >>> cost needs to be taken into consideration.   The "free bits" exist in
> >>> the netherland of non-peak hours and the interval between a backbone
> >>> connection that is too large and one that is saturated.  Free bits
> >>> represent a place for innovation, and some providers are doing just
> >>> that, with open downloads and service level upgrades during off-peak
> >>> hours.   But not all bits are free.
> >>>
> >>> In conclusion, I don't think that the Vuze petition is too far off the
> >>> mark.   Someone SHOULD be raising a stink about what Comcast is doing
> -
> >>> it goes beyond prudent network management and right into anti-trust
> type
> >>> behavior.
> >>>
> >>> Matt Larsen
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Anthony Will wrote:
> >>> > Here is some food for thought,
> >>> >
> >>> > We may want to approach this issue with a free market approach.  We
> >>> > may want to emphasize that the free market can and will self
> regulate
> >>> > this behavior.  If Comcast is discouraging their customers from
> >>> > operating this type of software, that creates an opportunity for
> >>> > another operator to move into the area that does not. We do have to
> >>> > keep in the back of our mind that the main issue for us as wireless
> >>> > operators is that P2P solutions create an burden on our systems not
> so
> >>> > much for bandwidth but on the amount of connections that are created
> >>> > by this type of software.  One P2P application that goes wild with
> >>> > 2000+ connctions can bring an AP to its knees thus effecting 50 -
> 200
> >>> > other customers on that same AP.
> >>> > We may also want to empathize that his type of "distributed" content
> >>> > if allowed to continue likely will lead to bit caps or other types
> of
> >>> > metered solutions for customers.  Vuze and other "content" providers
> >>> > are looking to use our infrastructure to implement their business
> >>> > plans without paying for that distribution, with the minor exception
> >>> > of a one time "seeding" of that contact to the Internet.  This is in
> >>> > my opinion as close to theft as you can get without crossing the
> >>> > line.  The only recourse that operators will have is to implement a
> >>> > bit cap (by the way this is common in almost every other part of the
> >>> > world) in order to fund the increased infrastructure needed to carry
> >>> > these content providers products for them.  Ultimately the customer
> is
> >>> > the one that is going to have to pay for this and other
> organizations
> >>> > bypassing of the reasonable cost for the distribution of THEIR
> >>> > content.
> >>> > Of course we would also want to put in there the reality that the
> vast
> >>> > majority of the content provided by P2P is the illegal distribution
> of
> >>> > copywrited materials.
> >>> >
> >>> > Looking forward to the discussion,
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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