On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Paul Dowling wrote:

>I was pissed when Butch Evans sent his spam from the list.  You 
>click a link to unsubscribe, then they send you another e-mail to 
>verify your unsubscription and you have to return the e-mail or 
>click on a link.  Double opt-out?!?!?!  I just blocked his whole 
>domain in our spam filter for the entire network.

There was no spam sent.  In fact, the original message was intended 
to ask your permission to do so.  The unsubscribe is normal for a 
mailman list.  It is not "double opt-out" at all.  It is a 
confirmation message.  The reason I configured it that way was so 
that you could be certain you were no longer subscribed.

*Butch Evans                    *Professional Network Consultation *
*Network Engineering            *MikroTik RouterOS                 *
*573-276-2879                   *ImageStream                       *
*http://www.butchevans.com/     *StarOS and MORE                   *
*http://blog.butchevans.com/    *Wired or wireless Networks        *
*http://www.wisp-forums.com/    *http://www.wisp-wiki.com/
*Mikrotik Certified Consultant  *Professional Technical Trainer    *

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