What I do is ask them to use the web interface and give one of the many
reasons why.

If they simply say no or don't like it, I walk them through setting up one
account with POP/IMAP on whatever client and then say you're on you're own
for support as you introduce tons of viruses and malware when using those

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
--- Henry Spencer

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:35 AM, David E. Smith <d...@mvn.net> wrote:

> Patrick Nix Jr. wrote:
> > For those who may be using Google's branded services for ISPs can
> > someone tell me where to go to find more information and how is it
> > working for you.
> If I were starting a new outfit today, I'd probably just let them do all
> the hard work, and host all my users' email. Domain names and Web
> hosting are dirt-cheap, and if you want to be "just" an Internet access
> provider, not doing any hosting and having relatively little
> server-room-type infrastructure, it's a good way to save a few bucks.
> For a pre-existing outfit, though, migrating to Google Apps could be
> tricky. For us, the one really big stumbling block was the fact that
> most of our users use POP3 and something like Outlook Express or
> Thunderbird. When last I looked into this, the Google Apps API wouldn't
> let you enable POP3 and IMAP automatically. We'd have been forced to
> have someone manually log into every mailbox and turn that on.
> (They said it was to force users to accept their TOS, but I can't escape
> the feeling that Google wants people to use the Web interface because
> that's where the ads are; forcing that initial login gives them a free
> shot at showing you the Gmail interface, which admittedly is awfully
> attractive.)
> David Smith
> MVN.net
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