On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 23:51, RickG <rgunder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You and I are paying way more
> than a couple of bucks.

Exactly. I'll freely admit to a bit of a selfish motive here - a proper
single-payer plan would save me a few dollars. It also would cost less for
most people than what they're paying for junk insurance with high premiums
and high deductibles, deductibles so high that nearly 2/3 of people who file
bankruptcy because of medical bills actually had insurance.

Yes, it benefits me. It coincidentally benefits many others too. I don't
think that a self-serving motive automatically invalidates every other
argument in my favor.

> I dont know if you have dreams
> of becoming financially secure one day but if so, I'd be more concerned. I
> dont know how old you are but I'd guess around 30 or less.

Mid-thirties, and I'm already working towards long-term financial stability.
I'm doing reasonably well. America has been good to me. It hasn't been
nearly as good to the thousands of people who die every year because they
can't afford basic health care, and by myself there's no way I can
single-handedly counterbalance that. I do what I can, but it simply isn't
enough; that's why, in addition to donating to humanitarian and charitable
causes when I can, I also am advocating for a better system of health care
that won't leave people out in the metaphorical (and sometimes literal)

David Smith

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