At 6/18/2010 04:47 PM, L. Aaron Kaplan wrote:

>On Jun 18, 2010, at 4:33 PM, Dennis Burgess wrote:
>(I wrote:)
> >
> > MicroTik says they have a meshing protocol, HWMPplus, that provides
> > Layer 2 (this is critical; we're not building a Layer 3 network, and
> > with this many hops, latency and loss are critical) dynamic meshing,
> > essentially applying a routing protocol (smarter than bridge STPs) among
> > nodes.  I can't find any documentation for it on line, though, and a
> > distributor I've been talking to has never tried or sold it.  So does
> > anyone on the list have any experience with the HWMPplus mesh?  Or any
> > other suggestions?  Thanks!
>IMHO it does not scale... is not documented and built on an outdated 
>rip-off copy  of another protocol which already developed further 
>and fixed some major scalability issues.

MT says that it's an incompatible extension of an early draft of 
HWMP.  I don't know where HWMP is now or why they forked it.  But 
we're looking for an off-the-shelf short term solution, while we, uh, 
work on the long-term answer. The nice thing about Routerboards is 
that you can run other Linux code on them...

>But please, do not get discouraged and in case HWMPplus does indeed 
>work with more
>than 100 nodes, let me know and I would be very interested in how 
>you managed to do that.
>Of course, your mileage or your needs might differ.

The site I have in mind would need fewer than 50 nodes.  So how many 
hops and how many nodes would be reasonable limits for HWMPplus?

  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
  ionary Consulting    
  +1 617 795 2701 

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