I know exactly why you are asking about this.  I have been aggravated by 
this myself.  It's never a issue unless you are in a hurry and then it's 
like it never times out.  You would think there would be a registry 
setting but I have googled this and lots of people ask about this but no 
one has the answer.

I have used a program in the past called netswitcher.  This lets you 
have preconfigured network setting profiles and pick which one to use.  
You could have one that setup for dhcp or one that assigns static 
configurations and then you just select the profile and boom, it is 
changed.  You don't have to reboot, well you do for w98 but not xp.  
This even configures wireless cards.

LaRoy McCann
Data Technology

On 8/20/2010 2:44 PM, John Valenti wrote:
> Justin,
> I don't quite understand what you are trying to do, so I can't offer 
> suggestions. Can you elaborate?
> (I use a Mac generally, and have that configured with several profiles. But 
> sometimes I use Windows, I know that supports profiles but I've never 
> bothered setting them up.)
> On Aug 20, 2010, at 2:37 PM, Justin Wilson wrote:
>>     All fine and dandy but if you are plugged into a standalone device 
>> runnign a DHCP server does you no good.  How many times has everyone been at 
>> a tower site wanting to go home only to have to wait 1-2 minutes until DHCP 
>> times out?  Then if you have to reboot the device or something.  3 reboots 
>> and you have waster 5-10 minutes waiting on windows.
>> -
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