At 5/29/2012 01:05 PM, Randy Cosby wrote:
>"Facilities Based" excludes all fixed wireless, is that correct?

No.  The "unsubsidized competitor" rule includes fixed wireless.

>Would VoIP - properly reported, taxed, etc. - qualify as voice?

Yes.  It has to meet reasonable quality standards, provide E911 
access, and have a local number, but the multiplexing header is not a 
disqualifier.  So if you can find a VoIP provider with local numbers 
in your area and can get say an MPLS pipe to them, it would do.  In 
some extreme cases you may need to fimd a CLEC willing to add service 
in your area, or create your own CLEC.

>On 5/29/2012 10:40 AM, Marlon K. Schafer (509-982-2181) wrote:
> > Right.
> >
> > And that's why we still have to fight they current rules as proposed.
> >
> > We've made the statement that if any company offers un subsidized service
> > then no one should get a tax payer funded leg up in the market.
> >
> > Under the current rules a SINGLE company has to provide both *facilities
> > based *voice and broadband without subsidies before the faucet is shut off
> > to the USF/CAF recipient.
> >
> > We're in the bottom of the 9th inning and we're down by a couple of runs, 2
> > out full count and Casey is at bat.
> >
> > Are we going to swing at the ball or just stand there and watch it fly by?
> >
> > marlon
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Fred Goldstein" <>
> > To: "WISPA General List" <>
> > Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 11:16 AM
> > Subject: Re: [WISPA] USF/CAF
> >
> >
> >> At 5/25/2012 01:03 PM, Matt wrote:
> >>> Perhaps anyone accepting money from these funds should be required to
> >>> wholesale there services at a discount such as dry loop dsl?  They
> >>> should also not be allowed to price under cut wholesalers for that to
> >>> work?
> >> In fact, that *was* the rule.  Or at least they had to wholesale the
> >> DSL, even if it was bundled with cheap POTS.  When the FCC detariffed
> >> DSL in 2005, it was permissive, so the Bells could detariff while the
> >> subsidized rural ILECs stayed on tariff in order to maximize their USF.
> >>
> >> The new Connect America Fund rules make one major change -- they
> >> allow the ILEC to detariff DSL, offer it only as a retail information
> >> service, and still get subsidized.  That's how they want to "improve"
> >> broadband availability.  Gee, do you think any telco lobbyists were
> >> active in getting that passed? ;-)
> >>

  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
  ionary Consulting    
  +1 617 795 2701 

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