On 1/8/2014 12:08 PM, Sean Heskett wrote:
> the part 15 PTP 24Ghz band is only from 24000-24200Mhz (200Mhz of 
> spectrum) i would assume that the doppler radar for cars is in another 
> slice of the 24Ghz spectrum.  as far as i know 24000-24200Mhz is for 
> part 15 PTP only.
> shouldn't be an issue.
> 2 cents
> -sean

I opened the rule book to see what might apply.  It turns out that field 
distubance sensor vehicular systems are allowed, per 15.252, to operate 
from 24000-29000, but with a maximum EIRP of only -41 dBm.  And 
"Operation shall occur only upon specific activation, such as upon 
starting the vehicle, changing gears, or engaging a turn signal."  So it 
won't run all the time.  This, then, probably isn't what they're using 
for two-vehicles-away collision avoidance radar. The rules in 15.253 for 
77 GHz systems are much looser, and that seems to be where the cars are 

  Fred R. Goldstein      k1io     fred "at" interisle.net
  Interisle Consulting Group
  +1 617 795 2701

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